Learn Spanish in no time!

We help you build confidence & overcome fear

Spanish In Cali helps people become fluent in Spanish. We provide clear goals and easy access to Latin American culture. The school offers tailored and interesting lessons based on the student’s needs, and a good balance between disciplined routines and fun activities.

Samuel Hall
Samuel Hall
Jhon is the best language teacher I have ever had. I failed French, German, and Spanish in school, could never get my head around the tenses yet in just 2 lessons with Jhon it all made a lot of sense. He is really good fun to learn with and we even went out into the city of Cali to practice with the locals which was awesome! I highly recommend. The only regret I have is I didn't have more lessons with him as my teachers afterward were very unorganised and didn't have anywhere near as many resources to help me learn. I feel my Spanish would be at least twice as good if I had stuck with Jhon!
Lily Biggs
Lily Biggs
Jonathan is the absolute best! I had only a basic knowledge of Spanish before taking lessons, but I felt my understanding hugely improved after only 5 classes. Jonathan provides a great balance of fun and professionalism, keeping the classes enjoyable always. The class always began with a conversation in Spanish which was great for accountability and learning. 100% recommend classes with Jonathan!
Estoy agradezco que yo encontré Johny y Spanish in Cali mi primer dia en Cali. Johny ha tenido un intuición de mi nivel y de lo que necesito concentrarme y siempre tiene actividades y soluciones divertidos y desafiantes. Siempre yo disfruto clases con Johny, y con su apoyo, he crecido mucho en mi entender porque tengo menos temer cometer errores. Cometer errores es parte del proceso, y me siento como una mejor persona en todos formas porque puedo aprender con humildad y mucho divertido. Recomiendo Johny sin hesitación si quieres un excelente profesor. I am grateful that I found Johny and Spanish in Cali my first day in Cali. Johny has had an insight into my level and what I need to focus on and he always has fun and challenging activities and solutions. I have always enjoyed classes with Johny, and with her support, I have grown a lot in my understanding because I am less afraid of making mistakes. Making mistakes is part of the process, and I feel like a better person in every way because I can learn with humility and a lot of fun. I recommend Johny without hesitation if you want an excellent teacher.
Patience Dorman
Patience Dorman
I took classes with Jonathan for 2 weeks and in just that time, I felt like I improved a lot. He is always super enthusiastic and encouraging and you can tell he genuinely cares about his students and wants them to get better. I really reccommend him to anyone who wants to improve their spanish, no matter what level you are starting at.
stijn ide
stijn ide
Ik heb een tiental lessen genomen met Jonathan. De lessen worden op maat gegeven en hij speelt flexibel in op wat je wil leren. Ik heb enorm veel gehad aan de Spaanse lessen gedurende mijn verblijf in Cali, het heeft mij op korte tijd veel vooruitgang laten maken. Met dank hierbij aan het gevarieerd pakket waarmee we aan de slag gingen. Jonathan schuwt geen enkele methode dus werkten we via visueel materiaal (tekenend, storyboards,...). Naast het leren van de Spaanse taal, duik je in de literatuur en de Colombiaanse cultuur en geschiedenis. Kortom, de houding van een leerkracht die met passie zijn vak geeft. Jonathan, super bedankt. Hasta luego!
Lucy Wells
Lucy Wells
The lesson was extremely well organised. I was only in Cali for a short time, so I only had one two-hour lesson, but I felt my level and goals were assessed accurately from the beginning and the time was used very effectively. Would definitely recommend 🙂
Mona Lenssen
Mona Lenssen
Ich habe "Spanish in Cali" über mein Hostel gefunden und kann Jhonattan als Lehrer sehr empfehlen. Er ist individuell auf meine Wünsche und meine jeweilige Tagesform eingegangen und hat besondere Informationen zu Themen herausgesucht, die mich interessiert haben und mir sogar auch noch Texte mit nach Hause gegeben und online zur Verfügung gestellt, damit ich nach meiner Abreise weiter daran arbeiten konnte. Der Unterricht hat Spaß gemacht und ich habe viel über Kolumbien gelernt. Besonders gut gefallen hat mir auch, dass wir keine Zeit mit langweiligen Grammatikübungen vergeudet haben, sondern uns in erster Linie auf Konversation und die Verbesserung meines Hörverständnisses konzentriert haben. Es hat mir so gut gefallen, dass ich sogar weitere Onlinekurse gebucht habe, die ich bequem von Deutschland aus machen kann. Auch in der Terminfindung ist Jhonattan immer sehr spontan und flexibel und er erschien sogar pünktlicher zum Unterricht als ich 😉
Lara Alice Zanda
Lara Alice Zanda
Spanish classes with Johnny are una chimba! It’s the perfect mix of grammar, conversation and fun exercises that are not only great to improve your Spanish, but also to get out of your routine, having you reflect on your life. Johnny is open to tailor classes to specific needs and wishes, as well as bringing his own creative touch and sensitivity to class. Would recommend 100%!
Jhonatan is an incredibly skilled and passionate teacher who cares about his students. He prioritizes quality above quantity, focusing on practicality, efficiency and tailoring to each student’s needs. He offers a variety of sources to explain subjects, which will ensure that there’s one that works for you 😊. The material is diverse, well-supported, clear, refreshing, and precise. His keen eye will know right away where there’s room for improvement, and what’s the best path to achieve your goals. I work in education myself, and to encounter such a thorough and resourceful teacher who effortlessly makes his subject both easier and enjoyable, is like a breath of fresh air. I wholeheartedly recommend Spanish in Cali!
Noemi Klaudt
Noemi Klaudt
Absolut und mit Abstand der beste Spanischlehrer, bei dem ich bislang Unterricht genommen habe. Ein sehr kompetenter und einfallsreicher Lehrer mit genialen Methoden. Er merkt sofort wo deine Schwächen liegen und arbeitet ein individuelles für dich passendes Lernkonzept aus, damit du Fortschritte erzielst. Man merkt, dass ihm wichtig und am Herzen liegt, dass man Fortschritte macht und diese selber auch wahrnimmt. Ich habe in kurzer Zeit so viel gelernt, wofür ich ihm von Herzen dankbar bin. Die Stunden sind so aufgebaut, dass es einem nie langweilig wird und machen dadurch total Spaß, diese verflogen förmlich. Jhonattan ist super freundlich, kompetent, professionell, immer pünktlich und sehr geduldig wenn man etwas nicht versteht. Gracias a ti 🙏🏼

We understand your fear of making mistakes

The fear of being ridiculed and the sensation of not being able to express ourselves correctly are often reasons that limit us. Every failed attempt to speak or communicate in a controlled space becomes an opportunity to generate experiences with results that allow the construction of knowledge based on practice, not just theory

We exist to help you be fluent in Spanish

We take care of your learning process because we are also passionate about languages and we know how hard it can be to achieve our goals. Our teachers strive to give our students the best tools and content.

We help you get rid of wrong beliefs and practices

It doesn’t matter how much you plan, how many books you read, or how many courses you sign up for; if you never start doing your exercises and practicing, your Spanish will not improve. Once you find your interests, try to include small amounts of practice in your daily routine.