We have created a plan following the guidelines of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) with a communicative approach.


Some important questions before we begin.

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Create a self-introduction

Develop skills to feel confident talking about yourself and asking about basic personal information.

Talk about your likes and dislikes

Recognize and be able to express your likes and dislikes.

Talk about your favorite recipe

Be able to talk about food and its characteristics.

Talk about a topic you are interested in

Read, understand and ultimately talk about a general topic of your interest.

Share information you have heard

Listening comprenhension and sentence building.

Tell me your stories

Creative writing based on previous experiences.

Talk about interesting facts about your city and country

Build sentences to describe places, people and culture in general.

Compare people and things

Understand the usage of adjectives and make comparisons.

Make requests in restaurants and other businesses

Make requests and express desires in restaurants, hotels, bars.

Let's go shopping

Use effectively the vocabulary to buy, sell and describe items while shopping for groceries, clothes, etc.

Learn vocabulary: Indoors

Discover new words by exploring indoor spaces.

Learn vocabulary: Outdoors

Discover new words by exploring outdoor spaces.